Global Summit on
Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine
Theme: Unlocking the Potential: Innovations in Tissue Engineering Regenerative medicine
November 17-18, 2025
Dubai, UAE
Tissue Engineering Conference
Welcome to everyone attending the International Tissue Engineering Conference, the global regenerative medicine summit to take place November 17–18, 2025 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This international assemble on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine aims at facilitating the flow of knowledge, scientific ideas and innovation amongst the leading experts from across the world. Those researchers who attend this conference will essentially a great opportunity to learn about advance researches and innovations in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This event, featuring as its theme: Unlocking the Potential: Innovations in Tissue Engineering Regenerative medicine is estimated to be necessary for determining how these transformative the fields evolve in the future.
Event Spotlights
World Congress on Tissue Engineering 2025:
The World Congress on Tissue Engineering 2025 has attained a significant status, which will be at ease of a group of researchers and scientists who are going to come from all over the world and demonstrate the newest discoveries in tissue engineering.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities:
Become a Sponsor & Exhibitor at Global Tissue Engineering Summit to show your company’s latest technologies, products, and innovations. This is your opportunity to establish engagement and showcase your work in front of the top tier of people in our field.
Worldwide Networking Connections:
We designed the Global summit on tissue engineering to foster networking and collaborating between researchers, scientists, professors, and industry professionals. Plenty of opportunities to meet colleagues from all over the world and to benefit from their experience of teamwork will present themselves.
Abstract Submission:
The Abstract Submission gives the researchers the possibility to demonstrate the main achievements of their work at the summit. By submission of an abstract for the oral presentation, you will have your chance to present your project to an audience of your corresponding peers, both the specialists and the ones who are entering and practicing.
Oral Presentations:
Oral Presentations Top scientists and researchers will introduce the latest technologies that have been developed in the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. These sessions offer an opportunity to engage with the field’s brightest minds.
Get Prepared for Your Visit
Brochure Download: Download the conference brochure which contains everything about the program, schedule of events, and travel tips to guide you in your journey to Dubai. Be sure that all your offline coordination and participation is in place for all these activities such as topics no one knows of, in-person conversations, and socializing/partying with fellow thinkers.
Abstract Submissions: In case you are engaged in the research of tissue remodelling and regenerative medicine, the Abstract Submission stage is your occasion to make your novel discoveries become known to the global scientific community. Send your abstracts for the consideration of the conference chair to get a chance of giving an oral presentation at the international conference. Besides, the summit will present organizations with an opportunity to show their newest civic achievements to an international community of knowledgeable and qualified professionals.
Scientific Sessions: Along with the Global Tissue Engineering Summit, we will discuss some of the most impressive and informative topics in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in a series of scientific sessions. The sessions will be centered on the new research, trends, and methods that are influencing the future of this area of study. Stem cell research, organ regeneration, and the latest technological developments in Tissue Engineering will be among the topics.
Scientific Sessions
Early bird registration available
Speaker Registration
Oral Presentations
Student Registration
Post Graduates
Delegate Registration
Participant & Attendants
Media Partners
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
The theme of the International regenerative medicine Summit is “Unlocking the Potential: Innovations in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine”.
The International Conference on Tissue Engineering aims to bring together global experts to discuss innovations in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, scientific ideas, and advancements in these fields.
You can register through the conference website. Different registration options are available for delegates, speakers, and students.
Abstract submissions are open for researchers in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. To submit, you need to send your abstract for consideration to the conference chair for a chance to present at the summit.
The Global summit on tissue engineering is open to researchers, scientists, professors, students, industry professionals, and anyone with an interest in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.